Bradly DeLong
In September of 2021, Bradly DeLong was elected to serve as Pastor of Apostolic Pentecostal Church. He and his wife Mariah were both raised at APC, and their families have called APC home for multiple generations. Now, they have the honor of serving their church family as well as the surrounding community and city of Saint Louis.
Pastor DeLong graduated from Urshan College in 2014 with a BA in Christian Ministries with a Pastoral Focus. Before their most recent transition to pastorship, Pastor and Sister DeLong fulfilled the role of Youth Pastors of APC for 8 years. Additionally, Mariah DeLong has acted as the Music Director for APC’s Spanish daughter work, Iglesia Pentecostal Apostolica, for several years, and also teaches Spanish at a local high school. They currently serve the Missouri District in the role of District Youth President.
Together with their three children, Mila, Wesley, & Selena, they now step into this new role of servanthood, as they seek to shepherd and guide the wonderful people of APC. Pastor DeLong longs to serve God’s people and reach for others in our surrounding area that are hungry for a relationship with God.
Steve Willeford
In March of 1981, Stephen Willeford became the fourth pastor of Apostolic Pentecostal Church. He has the privilege of leading the church in which he grew up and has done so from that time to the present with godly character, spiritual sensitivity and wisdom. He now serves as Bishop.
Reverend Stephen Willeford is husband to Becky, father to Andrea (Tom), Amber & Alysa (Chris), and grandfather to Jude, Reese, & Jett. He received his Theological Degree from Gateway College of Evangelism. He has served as Pastor of Apostolic Pentecostal Church (APC) since 1981. Before becoming pastor of APC, he served in various areas of the church as Sunday School Teacher, Youth Pastor, School Principal, School Superintendent, and Assistant Pastor. Throughout his years of ministry, Reverend Willeford has served the United Pentecostal Church International as a District Youth President, District Sunday School Director, Pastoral Advisor – Children’s Ministry UPCI, Regional Presbyter, Missouri District Secretary, Missouri District Superintendent, District Elder, Tupelo Children’s Mansion board member, Gateway College and Urshan board member, Pastoral Advisor – Gateway Alumni, and Chairman – Urshan Board of Directors.

Nathan Reever
Associate Pastor
Nathan Reever has served as an Associate Pastor at APC since 2000. He holds a B.A. of Theology from Gateway College of Evangelism. He joined the church staff after graduation in 1981. He has served in his current role at APC, after serving as the General Youth President of the United Pentecostal Church.

Peter Wright
Youth Pastor
Peter Wright has volunteered in youth ministry since 2014 and currently serves as the Student Pastor of APC’s Youth Ministries. He graduated from Urshan College in 2015 with a B.A. in Christian Ministries and Urshan Graduate School of Theology with a Master of Theological Studies in 2018. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation and Theology. Along with being the Student Pastor of APC, he also serves as an adjunct lecturer at Urshan College.

Linda Clark
Finance Officer
Linda Clark has been a member of APC for her entire life and serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of the church. Her duties include financial and administration areas of the church. She also serves alongside her husband, who pastors Iglesia Pentecostal Apostólica, the Spanish daughter work of APC.

Kristy Scott
Church Administrator
Kristy Scott serves as the church office secretary, music director, and singles director of APC. She has a BA in Church Music Ministry from Gateway College of Evangelism and an MA in Christian Ministries with an emphasis in Pastoral Care and Counseling from Urshan Graduate School of Theology.